Rising Tide Release World Wide

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Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:36 am

https://uo.com/2019/03/18/rising-tide-w ... e-release/

Rising Tide – World Wide Release
Posted on March 18, 2019 by UO Dev Team


We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning March 19, 2019 Rising Tide will be deployed world wide.

A few of the highlights in Rising Tide include –

Rising Tide – a new event that takes advantage of re-designed ship combat for a harrowing High Seas adventure, with new rewards coming each month! Visit the Town Cryers to learn more!
New Ultima Store Items – House Teleporter & Decorative Kitchen Set!
New Veteran Rewards!
Numerous bug fixes!
New Castles from the Castle Design Contest!
And much more!
You can read all about the latest changes in the Rising Tide publish notes.

See you on the High Seas,

UO Team

Categories: Publish Updates

https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/ ... sing-tide/

TC Release 1 – 2/6/2019

TC Release 2 – 2/15/2019

TC Release 3 – 2/22/2019

TC Release 4 – 3/5/2019

Origin, Izumo, and Baja Release – 3/12/2019

World Wide Release – 3/19/2019

Visit the forums for discussion on these changes.

Rising Tide
Visit the Town Cryer to read about the latest on The Guild’s rise on the High Seas!
Battle against ships and the fortified plunderbeacon to recover Maritime Trade Cargo!
Sell Maritime Trade Cargo for Doubloons to the Pirate Merchant on Buc’s Den or deliver the cargo to a City Trade minister to fund the city’s coffers!
Purchase rewards from the Pirate Merchant with doubloons, with new rewards being added each month the event is active!
Ultima Store Items
Update to the House Teleporter! Now you can set which type of object the teleporter displays as! Choose from new switches and a trap door! Access the context menu to change the type.
This change is available for all purchased house teleporter tiles, even if you have already purchased one!
Decorative Kitchen Set – Enjoy this beautiful kitchen set to spruce up your cooking space!
Included Items
China Cabinet
Pie Safe
Butcher Block
Wash Basin
Wood Stove
Use a variety of dyetubs, dyes, and pigments to customize the color of your kitchen set!
The wash basin works as a water container!
The wood stove functions as a source of fire for cooking and alchemy!
Veteran Rewards
New veteran rewards have been added to the veteran reward system!
Water Wheel – 10th Year
House addon that can be placed on existing house addon water features, such as the koi pond
Functions as a water source
Tinker Bench – 7th Year
Power tool for tinkering that allows tinkering
Stores up to 5000 charges
Repair Bench – 5th Year
House addon that can store and use repair deeds from all crafting systems
Stores up to 500 charges per skill
Embroidery Tool – 4th Year
Can be used to embroider clothing items
Recharge via NPC tinkers
Statuettes – can be turned on & off by double clicking and play a sound when approached
Krampus – 1st Year
Khal Ankur – 2nd Year
Krampus Minion – 3rd Year
Ship Cannon Crafting & Firing Update
Harvesting saltpeter in Felucca now applies a 1000 point luck bonus where it previously did not.
Alchemists who sell saltpeter have been added to the Moonglow & Britain docks.
Match & Matchchord have been removed from alchemy crafting and are no longer needed in the cannon use process.
The match can still be used to fire a cannon
Match & match chord can be turned in for Cleanup Britannia points
Crafting potash no longer requires water as an ingredient, instead crafters must be near a water source which includes the water trough, water tub, water barrel, bucket of water, fountain of life, sinks, dragon tubs, dragon turtle fountains, koi ponds, and the water wheel.
Potash now functions as a “make all” item and will craft as much as possible based on available ingredients.
The following changes have been made to existing cannon resources,
“light” and “heavy” powder charges are now simply “powder charge”
“light” and “heavy” cannonballs are now simply “cannonball”
“light” and “heavy” grapeshot is now simply “grapeshot”
“light” and “heavy” frost and flame cannonballs are now simply “frost cannonball” and “flame cannonball”
updated tileart for powder charge to make it more visually distinctive from cannonballs
updated tileart for grapeshot to make it more visually distinctive from powder charges
The following changes have been made to cannons & associated resources,
All existing cannons must be dismantled and replaced before use after Publish 104 is deployed.
The “light cannon” is now known as “culverin”
The “heavy cannon” is now known as “carronade”
Polished art assets for cannons to make them more visually distinctive
The metallic dyetub can now be used on placed cannons to hue them
Cannons are now containers, resources for firing cannons can be placed inside them in what is referred to as the “magazine”
The following changes have been made to the cannon firing process,
Cleaning a cannon is no longer required and the swab has been removed from tinkering. Existing swabs can be turned in for Cleanup Britannia points.
When double clicking a cannon the firing control has two options “PREP” and “FIRE”
A player must be within 2 tiles to execute this action
Place cannon firing resources inside the magazine and push the “PREP” button to begin the cannon firing process. Resources will be taken from the magazine.
Only 1 player may participate in preparing the cannon for firing.
Cannons will automatically move through each step in the “PREP” process so long as resources are present in the magazine.
This process will continue so long as the player is present on the ship, if the player leaves the ship the process will pause.
Cannons can now be fired with a match or a torch, as such torches will no longer auto-douse when placed in the backpack.
New Item Property – Last Parry Chance
When players parry any attack with a shield or weapon it will now display the last parry chance % on the item.
Bug Fixes
The interior decorator will no longer allow players to increase “house only” tiles pass their height restrictions.
Reduced lag within the Despise champion spawn.
Fixed any existing ranged weapons that had the Use Best Weapon property.
Resolved issue which allowed players to use gates while in the heat of battle.
Resolved issues with Carpentry, Fletching, and Tinkering BODs not being able to reach their maximum levels.
Players can now meditate while wearing the Krampus Minion Earrings.
Players can now imbue or reforge the Krampus Minion Hat.
Krampus Minion Hat, Krampus Minion Talons, and Krampus Minion Boots no longer use the prefix “green” when crafted from Barbed leather.
Resolved issues with boarding pirate ships that have been successfully defeated.
Resolved issue with Bushido Evasion cooldown not correctly starting at the end of the ability.
Resolved issue with disembarking from boats which could result in players teleporting to incorrect locations.
Resolved issue with cranes at the sea market not having collision.
Resolved issue with the sea market dock master not properly unstacking ship crates.
Resolved issue with the Undertaker’s Staff going on cooldown when a player is killed by a non PvP target.
Improved NPC ship path-finding AI.
Players can now mouse over damaged NPC Ships to view their health.
This has been removed due to current issues and will be re-examined in a future publish.
Resolved issue with NPC ship cargo decaying.
Improved messaging about the Lighthouse house add-on when players create an unlinked ship.
All looting from ships has been standardized. Mobs can be looted up to 8 tiles away.
Ships can now be refreshed when a player initiates mouse movement or opens the ship cargo hold.
Ships no longer inadvertently pick up objects on the bottom the ships.
Bamboo floor tiles will no longer inadvertently display all contents of a house.
Bug Fixes since Origin etc. Release
Resolved issue where Plunderbeacons could fire after the crew was dead
Resolved issue where Plunderbeacons would not award cargo to all eligible top attackers.
Resolved display issue with next page button in Vendor Search
Classic Client –
Removed snow.
Updated CliLocs.
Classic client crash fixes.
Added new large container gumps for barrels, drawers, armoires, and bookcases.
Added “Enable Legible Journal” option to the Classic Client under the display menu which makes any new journal text more legible.
Resolved issue with house placement in the Classic Client being centered relative to the play window rather than the cursor.
Updated the pet damage colors in the classic client to match the enhanced client.
Added castle contest winners to the house placement tool.
Enchanced Client –
Removed snow.
Updated CliLocs.
Enhanced client crash fixes.
All of the enhanced client crafting utility actions (Unravel, Imbue, Alter, Enhance, Repair, Smelt and Make Last) once again function as expected.
Added castle contest winners to the house placement tool.
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Re: Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:40 am


No Quarter
Posted on March 18, 2019 by UO Dev Team

The story continues in the lead up to Rising Tide and we invite you to sit back and enjoy, No Quarter.

By EM Malachi

The mage had surrounded himself with the maps. Some were ancient parchment, their mistakes and ignorance covered with drawings of dragons and drakes. Others were current shipping routes, still bearing the wax seal of Vesper Customs. The rest were faded or moldy sketches done by pirate captains over the years. Rankin frowned. “What am I supposed to be seeing?”

“A new kingdom,” replied Hook, as he sharpened a knife.

Rankin traced a circle around Buccaneer’s Den on a sea chart with a finger. “I guess I can see that, if you claim another major island or two. Nujel’m, maybe ?”

“You miss the point. Landlubbers look at the world as kingdoms bounded by coasts. The high seas themselves are much larger. The very ocean will be my kingdom.”

“How could you hope to hold that much territory?”

“Does Blackthorn control every mountain or cavern in Britannia? No, he governs the cities and roads. Those roads are dotted with outposts, and the threat of his armies is enough to hold the rest. The Guild’s fleet is the army to claim the shipping routes, but my plan also requires outposts along these ocean roads.”

Rankin thought for a moment and picked up a list of numbers. “These were stolen from the Lycaeum. They are the coordinates of every seamount and vanishing island in recorded history. With some of the spells I learned from a hiding Lithos cultist, I could raise the earth and stone at some of them. Would that help?”

Hook smiled.


The sea serpent had made its home in the waters around the seamount. The waters were warm, and the shallows teemed with schools of fish. The monster had filled its belly for years here.

That changed when the underwater mountain rumbled and cracked. The chaos set off a panic among the fish, which fled for safer waters. Great stones stacked themselves up to the surface.

Something up there had destroyed its home, and the serpent was now very angry and very hungry.


Rankin jotted down the coordinates he needed. “I gather the new cannons being cast are for these outposts of yours? The metal workers did mention that the bores were larger than normally used on a ship.”

Hook polished the steel of his cutlass. “My plunderbeacons needed appropriately impressive artillery. Such weapons also send a message.”

“I can only raise so much stone. You still need to get enough lumber out there for docks and cannon mounts. I guess you could repurpose a ship if need be.”

Hook smiled. “Let me worry about that.”


The sailors lowered the sails on the captain’s order. Everyone knew the crew of the Golden Kraken was honorable and would only steal valuable cargo. It was safer to surrender than risk damage to the ship.

As the Golden Kraken closed for a boarding action, another sailor saw the black flag and drew his sword. The pirate ship slammed into the merchant sloop, and several orcs jumped aboard, all armed with cutlasses. The largest orc grabbed the quartermaster and tossed him overboard. Then the rest of the orcs began the slaughter.


Hook admired the gleam of the polished cutlass. “I do enjoy the finer things in life. Reminds me that I need to go kill a man. Is there anything else we should talk about before I do?”

Rankin nodded. “There was another thing in an old Guildmaster’s notes. He mentioned finding a lost rune…”
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Re: Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby KDSonoma » Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:48 am

Repair Bench – 5th Year
House addon that can store and use repair deeds from all crafting systems

Does that mean we don't need to go to a smith shop to use a blacksmith repair deed if we have this in our house?


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Re: Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Mar 19, 2019 3:23 pm

KDSonoma wrote:Repair Bench – 5th Year
House addon that can store and use repair deeds from all crafting systems

Does that mean we don't need to go to a smith shop to use a blacksmith repair deed if we have this in our house?


you can store up to 500 repair deeds, for every deed necessary, 500 tailor, 500 tinker, 500 blacksmith etc., as far as I know. I never did check if you could repair at home
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Re: Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby KDSonoma » Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:11 pm

the key words I saw were "and use", that's why I was curious.


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Re: Rising Tide Release World Wide

Postby Cinderella » Wed Mar 20, 2019 6:36 pm

yes you can do it all with the repair bench...
I have one at my luna house, set to anyone & it has repair deeds in it already...
except glassblowing...
anybody can add deeds to it

free to anybody who would like to use it...

the first house past the blacksmith shop (2nd house above PAS marketplace)
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