Memory Lane!!

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Memory Lane!!

Postby Damien Kilcannon » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:22 am

I was at work the other night and was talking to a co-worker that has played other MMO's but had never tried UO...Telling him about the gameplay and structure of UO I found myself remembering all the fun I had while playing this game...I remembered all of the awesome friends I had made (some still play and others have moved on)...I also remembered some of the bad stuff (like the first time I was scammed out of some stuff)...Then I remembered how my friends rallied around me and helped me realize that it is a game and the people behind the keyboards are what mattered...

That was when I decided I wanted to come back and play...To be honest I had nearly convinced myself that I never wanted to play anymore and was about to go ahead and give my accounts away...

But after telling him about UO and remembering so much I realized that would be a huge mistake...So I proceeded to beg my wife to let me reactivate one of my accounts and here I am back in UO...

As I was getting ready to log off tonight I had a thought and that is why I am writing this post...I wanted to start a thread where we can all share our memories of why we play UO...I am talking about reliving actual things that we have done or things that have happened to us...Not just a place to post stuff like: I play UO because of the wonderful people...But a place to remember why those people are wonderful...

So I will post the first one...HEHE

I remember a while back getting into vent one night and hearing Pup Barleycorn and Ciara talking about some strange place in Ilsh...Pup was actually talking about the storyline history of Ultima Online and showing Ciara some of the famous places...I asked where they were and if they would mind if I tagged along...Of course neither one of them had a problem with that and the next thing I know Pup is leading us all over Sosaria showing me things I never knew were in the game...And telling us about the history of the gargoyles and the meerfolk and many other interesting things I had no idea about...Before long a few others had joined us...I believe Wild Flower and Haplo came...I think Booger came too...There may have been a couple others as well...I have a very bad memory for exact details...LOL...But anyway, my point is that I had an absolutely wonderful time just running around Sosaria with friends and we were not out to kill anything or see if we could get some killer was just time spent with friends learning a little history...

It is memories like that that made me return to UO and the new ones I hope to make with new friends that I hope will keep me playing for years to come...

That is all for now...I will come back here from time to time and post another moment from my UO history to share with you all...

Please feel free to tell your own stories and share the wonderful or not so wonderful memories you have...

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Postby Taylanna » Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:42 pm

Ah what got me playing.... when my father first started to play (Judas) I would always sit next to him with the old (and yes i mean old) UO hand-guide (The one that told you about every armor every animal/monster and had the trammel, fel & Ish maps in it) I would bring my little almost dead broken wooden chair next to his desk and watch for hours! I would always watch him hunt with other people and try label all the monsters, basically like a matching game, flip through until i saw the exact look of the monster, I would look them up for him and tell him everything there was to know about that monster from that little book.

I used to beg him if I could play, and he finally let me! My first guild Knights of Britannia (another old thing) was my first guild, I loved everyone in there, they were basically my first family in the gaming world. I was the youngest (like normal, well i was only 9 at the time too) but I made a great friend named Red, about 5 years older then me (So my father says) he used to ride Llama's everywhere! Which got me hooked, and that's how Red's name came to be (one of my characters or the original PAS I had)

Sadly the guild vanished after a huge argument between myself and Kayla (The guild leader) and everyone kind of left. So I play for all of them now, I can't bare to shut my account down or have my parents do it. I play for all the people that quit because of my stupid actions (What kayla and I fought about really)

But in the long run, I've made some wonderful friends and there are only more to come!

Thanks for making me remember why I play ultima :]
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Postby wild flower » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:56 pm

I can remember when Aramus and Kyra were putting the crafters house together (the one by luna). I wanted to help so much but they kept telling me how they had it handled but thanks any ways. I remember always asking if I could help with things and never being allowed to help with anything. So I bided my time and stuck it out cause I just knew PAS was the place to be. Now I not only get to help out a lot but I own that crafters house and I love making everything possible available to help the needs or wants of others.
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Postby Tracy » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:02 pm

I remember a lot of bad stuff happening to people. Hacking, scamming, or just people not having gold for insurance.

Every time, PAS has banded together to replace what was lost to the best of their ability.
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Postby Sagan » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:54 am

I don't play anymore, but I have some great memories...

One of which is before I made Elder in PAS, I think I was a Templar... Not sure, anyway... My dumb ass decides to go visit the "evil elf camp" in the mountains. The one with the Ogre Lords and Titans and other evil critters guarding the way to the elf's camp. Well of course I die. Then die again and again. And by this time I am out of Insurance and my equipment is just lying there waiting to decay. I through out an S.O.S. over guild chat. Now at this time an elders meeting was taking place, but KD, Aramus, Prae and a a coupe of others Stop the the elders meeting to come rescue me That is probably one of the best memories I have of this game. I miss you all. [/b][/u]
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Postby wild flower » Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:47 pm

Hey there Sagan -- good to see your still around. Stop by more often hun.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:12 pm

I remember that, Sagan!

Good to see u are still out there as well, I hope RL is being kind to ya.

Cya soon and safe journeys out there.

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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:08 pm

I remember waaaaaay back when I was first playing when Ogre Lords were scarry...Back when if you had 100k gold in the bank you were rich...A group of friends and I decided to take a trip down there....This was back when gm armor was a status symbol...And none of us could afford it...So we get down there and all of us start in on the poor helpless fool...OOOps...Down goes Dethmage...Damn, can't stop to res, I am almost dead...Oh shoot there goes Gerald, ouch that one hurt...Wow this guy is tough...we have only got him down half way and he has already killed half our party...I run off an cast a heal on myself and run back in(playing the old tank mage template)...Dang it by the time I get there Deathrage is saying "oooOOooOOooo"...Ok he is almost down, I can finish him off and res my friends...I run back in and BAM, BAM, lag out for ten seconds.(using AOL as an ISP) ...Come back to a grey screen...We are all laughing so hard we are crying...We run out as ghosts and head bacvk in....We'd be damned if we were gonna let him get away with that...Needless to say we were all running out as ghosts again...

That is one of the greatest memories of the old days...When I came back to UO almost three years ago I was stunned to find out people were down there soloing those things by the dozens...Even taking on two or three at a time...LOL
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Postby Sagan » Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:42 am

wanted to give this a bump. see if anyone else wants to put some memories out there. :)
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Postby Mile » Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:27 pm

I have a long list of memories of good times in UO, including

the Monday night PAS get-togethers in NJ where we tried to gank each other. I just loved sending Jester after Ghost while I hid and watched him try to evade my pet.

the meetings in NJ when we would watch folks receive their awards and promotions.

learning PVP strategies in the weekly classes from a PAE member who really new his stuff (I wish I could remember his name) and then using my knowledge when we played King of the Hill and the fights in Feluca gate.

And being overwhelmed by PAS people's kindness and generosity each time I returned to UO

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Postby Sagan » Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:53 pm

I believe that was Julion giving those pvp classes. ;)
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Postby Mile » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:14 pm

Right, thanks for the memory prompt. He was a great teacher. Up until his classes I was afraid to PvP. After that I was a blood thirsty grandmother.

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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:48 pm

and I'm not sure if your reference to NJ and ganking is the goofy stuff that PAS members would do while waiting for an event (which happened a lot), or if you meant Magincia Madness, where we met at Magincia tram to do a pvp free for all for an hour.

That's where I earned my record 28 deaths in one event. I had a huge target on my back that time! We had stealth archers, we had roof jumpers, we had ganks, one on ones that turned into ganks, etc.

We later had to move that to Minoc madness when they destroyed Magincia ingame.

if anyone wants to see the old events, it looks like the PAS calendar goes back to December 2007, so you can scroll each month and read about the events we did in the old days.

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Postby Mile » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:26 am

Yes it was Magincia Madness, but I loved the fooling around atNJ too. It was the most fun I've had in any games. And KD, you were always a major target! Well you and all the other elders. Nothing beats loving then a well placed gang!

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Postby Mile » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:29 am

That should be gank! Darn spell correction program.

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