Publish 43

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Publish 43

Postby Valkyrie » Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:41 am

Has anyone tested the new changes on test center? That publish leaves me with questions and after sorting through a ton of posts on stratics, I figured it's easier to ask for the simple version here.

#1. Should I retire my necromage or will she still be viable in PvP?
#2. Will a necrodexxer still be viable in PvP?
#3. If #2 is a yes, what would a good template for a necrodexxer be with the upcoming publish?
#4. Can anyone explain (the simplified version please) the new evasion and stealth and necro changes? I guess what I'm after is a short and sweet explanation along with examples of how those changes will pertain to PvP. Reading Stratics would give me a migraine if I were capable of getting headaches at all.

While I'm interested in all aspects of UO, PvP is what I'd prefer to base most templates on for the simple reason that most of my characters will live on Felluca. I'd like them to be able to deal with any encounters that come their way on a daily basis. Monster bashing can be fun, but in the long run, I'm more interested in being active with PAE and IAS in the future than in developing uber Trammel KillAnotherMillionMonsters templates. So thanx in advance for any and all replies to this thread. :smt023

Oh yea, one more thing. I haven't gotten around to playing my thief yet (I believe they are legendary) and believe their template may need adjusting, they'll be strictly for Doom and "rares" stealing. Plus I'm interested in playing a ninja, maybe for PAE, after I figure out a good template for one. So if anyone cares to simplify for me how publish 43 would affect ninjas and thieves, I'd be most grateful. TY again. :)
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