I am Re'nara Lin'aye

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I am Re'nara Lin'aye

Postby Damien Kilcannon » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:38 am

Who is Re'nara Lin'aye you ask? Where should I start? I could start with the murder of my father before my very eyes. No, I think not. I could start with my earliest childhood memories. That may not be the best place either. To truly know who I am and how I came to be the person you see before you today I think we will have to go quite a ways back. I think I must tell you my father's story. For it is from him that I learned of the gifts of compassion and honor. It was he that taught me to be honest in all things. Without him I would not be the woman you see today......

My father always told us his first memories were filled with hunger and pain. He could not remember his parents or where he came from. He could remember trying to chase down rats in the alleys for something to eat. Only to have them bite and scratch then run away. Leaving him to eat the ones that had died from age or disease. He remembered being beaten once when all he took was a half rotten apple that had fallen from the fruit vendors cart and rolled out into the street. He always promised his children that this would never happen to us.

He learned at a young age that he was different, he was not completely human. He did not know what elves were but the other street children would kick him and drive him away when he tried to join them in their games. They would call him half-breed, pointy ear, or demon. He swore to his children we would never have to experience this.

One night in early spring there was a particularily strong thunderstorm which he was forced to wait out in the meager shelter of a tinker's waggon. He found in the very back corner of the wagon a small bundle of food. A veritable feast to his young eyes. There was a wedge of fresh yellow cheese, an apple with hardly any bruises, and a still warm loaf of bread. There was even a fresh skin of water. Gathering this all up he prepared to bolt out of the wagon, stopping he worried that he might get caught and lose this most wonderful gift from the gods. He decided to stay put and enjoy the first real meal he could remember. After eating what would only be an evening snack for most of us he bacame drowsy and fell asleep.

When he awoke he was amazed to feel the wagon moving. How could he be so careless and drop his guard? If the tinker found him he would surely beat him or maybe worse for stealing his food. There was no way out of the wagon except through the front where the tinker sat guiding his donkey along the deeply rutted road. Just as he was trying to seat himself back down in his hiding spot the waggon hit a large bump in the road throwing him forward. Crying out in surprise he landed with a loud crash in the middle of some old pots and pans the tinker had yet to repair.

The wagon came to a quick stop and my father tried to dig himself out of the pile of scrap metal and broken pots. The back door of the wagon swung open and he was grabbed by the ankles and dragged from the cart. Kicking and screaming, clawing and biting he tried to get away. The whole time this tinker is laughing and trying to keep a hold of him. My father broke free and as he turned to run he noticed something astonishing....The tinker's ears were pointy, just like his own!

And so ends the first chapter of my story.
Last edited by Damien Kilcannon on Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Damien Kilcannon
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:31 pm

The tinker used his momentary confusion to get a better grip on him and sit him on the back step of the wagon.

"Well, what do we have here?" asked the tinker. He was astonished to find a young elf rummaging in the back of his wagon. Seeing that the child was ready to renew his attempt to escape the tinker took a step back and raised his hands in a gesture to show he meant no harm.

Not knowing how to respond my father decided to play tough and shot back "Who are you and why do you care?"

"Now, now young one. You are free to go and I mean you know harm. Come it is time to stop and make camp for the night you are welcome to join me. It is not safe to wander in these mountains alone at night. If you decide you want to head back to your village in the morning I will not stop you." the tinker reinforced these words by walking back to the head of the wagon and leading his pair of shaggy mountain ponies into the woods at the side of the trail. He made no attempt to stop the young elf as he dashed for the woods.

My father watched from the woods as the tinker tended his ponies getting them sttled for the night. The whole time whislting a haunting tune that almost seemed to draw him in. Not knowing how or when, he knew he had heard that song before. After the tinker had cooked a small pot of vegetable stew and warmed some dark brown bread on the rocks next to the fire he settled down for his meal. It was then the young boy in the bushes noticed the extra plate on the log across the fire from where the tinker sat.

Hunger finally got the best of him and he slowly came into the firelight as the strange man with the pointy ears like his lit up a long pipe. The tinker did not speak just nodded his head toward the plate and smiled. It was then he began whistling the same tune as before.

"What is that song you are whislting?" my father asked.

"Ah, it is a tune my mother used to sing for me when I was scared and could not sleep. It always makes me feel better when I need it. Have you heard this song before?" the tinker replied.

"Why are you ears pointy? I thought I was the only one." the boy said around a mouthful of bread and stew.

Reaching up the man ran his finger along the tip of his ear and looked at the boy with pity, "I am an elf. As are you, young man. Although I think you may only be half elf judging by your size and face. Elf children have thinner bones. There may not be much flesh on you but your bones speak of strength and size. How old are you?"

Setting the plate aside with a sad look at its emptiness the boy replied, "I do not know."

"Have you always lived in that village?" queried the man as he blew smoke rings from his pipe in the still night air.

"I do not think so. I remember living in a tree i think." he replied waiting for the man to ridicule him. Everytime he had ever mentioned it to the other street children they would laugh and throw stuff at him.

The tinker bent and drew a picture of a leaf in the dirt, "Did the leaves of the tree look like this?"

"Yes, but they were alot bigger. I saw some trees around the village that had leaves like this but they were smaller." he said with curiosity.

"These are called oak leaves. The oak tree will grow to be very big and very old. We elves will ask the trees for permission to build our homes in their branches." the tinker said.

"Elves? You are an elf?" the boy said with fear in his voice.

"Yes, I am and you are half elf. Why do you shrink away in fear boy?" asked the tinker.

"The other kids in the village did not like me. They called me demon because of my pointed ears. They said only demon elves have pointy ears. Are you a demon?" the boy asked as he prepared to jump up and run for his life.

The tinker erupted in a burst of laughter choking on the smoke from his pipe. After catching his breath he reassured the young elf poised on the edge of his log ready to flee, "I assure we are no demons. We are elves. We are the children of the gods and are blessed beyond any of the sentient races on Sosaria. Some call us demon because they fear us. It is only their ignorance that makes them believe this. Come I will tell you of your people and whence we came. Sit and I will endeavor to answer all of your questions."
Damien Kilcannon
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:35 pm

"So, boy what is your name?" the tinker asked gently.

"They call me..." the boy stammered.

"Wait, I did not ask what people in the village call you. I asked what your name is. Mine is Eltarn. Eltarn the Tinker I am." Eltarn interrupted the boy."I can see you do not remember your name. You must have been lost to us when you were quite young to not know your own name. I know, we will call you Yesephitalanus. In the elvin tongue it mean 'one who is found'. How does that sound?"

As tears came to his eyes the boy nodded,"I like it."

"I think we will shorten it and call you Yeseph. Not many humans can pronounce our full names and in the shortened version it almost sounds human. I think that is very fitting, do you not? You are almost human and almost elf." teased Eltarn

If young Yeseph had not seen the smile in Eltarn's eyes he might have thought he was making fun of him like the human kids in the village.

"Your first lesson young Yeseph is to learn something that most half-breeds of any race never learn. You are more than just half elf. You are more than just half human. You are the sum of both races. I can see in you the affinity for magic that we full blooded elves have. I also see the strength and determination of your human blood. Together these two halve make a whole being that can be stronger, more agile, and more wise than either of our races alone." stated Eltarn gravely.

"Yes sir." replied Yeseph.

"Come, it is time for sleep. If you want I can take you back to the village in the morning or you may come with me on my travels. I will teach you the craft of the tinker. Know this though, young man. You are free to come and go as you please. I am not your master but I am your teacher. If you stay with me you will listen when I instruct and you will share in the work. I will not support you and let you lounge around. The life of a tinker is a hard one, especially an elf tinker. There are many places that will barely tolerate our presence and many more that will drive us away outright. Now sleep and if you are still with me in the morning I will know your decision." Yeseph said as he set up his bedroll on a fresh pile of pine boughs.
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