A New Era

A place for role played stories and other creative writings

A New Era

Postby Ghost » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:06 pm

AJ was stunned. First KD had come to realize that his true home had been Trammel all these years, so he had stepped down as GM of PAS in order to lead the guilds efforts there. He had left Grey Wolf in charge of the guilds efforts in Felluca.
Grey Wolf was a wonderful choice as the new GM. Well respected by his guildmates, a goodly man, patient and honorable in his dealings with others. He was the guilds Keeper of the Faith, a position he had held for years within the guild. The one who gave hope and solace to those who had none. The one who kept a level head and gave the voice of reason in times of chaos.
But he soon found that the duties of GM detracted from his ability to fulfill his other role, or that if he attempted to fulfill his other role the time he could devote to the guild was detracted from. After much meditation he had come to the conclusion that his strongest good to the guild was as keeper of the faith not as GM and so he too regretfully stepped down. He named as his successor Shawnsa, Guild Emmisary.
Shawnsa had been honored to be chosen, and she knew that in many ways she had the ability to do this. But she also knew her limitations. She knew she would always be dependant on others to transport the guild from place to place. She had the ability to heal others with the touch of her hands, but that ability was limited to those she could touch in time. And so she had approached Almond Joy early one morning........


It was always easiest to talk to Almond Joy in the morning. The daily routine of body limbering movements, followed by the greeting of the sun always put her in her most receptive state.

Shawnsa led AJ to the center of their peace garden and motioned for her to sit. Shawnsa sat on the bench opposite AJ, her body leaning forward, her face full of expression, clear signs that there was a story to be told.

AJ took in a deep breath and relaxed herself, ready to listen to all that Shawnsa had to say.

"I have been asked to be the acting GM of PAS."

A simple statement, and yet it hung there seemingly forever. Charged with energy and meaning. AJ listened to the words and the energy they contained. Tuned into the thought patterns that were Shawnsa's and pulled every hesitation, every fear from her.

"I see," was AJ's reply. "What of silver? will she aid in this?"

"Not much I fear. She has chosen a road away from PAS. Her sword may from time to time join with us in battle. But the life she has chosen leaves her open to attack at any time, and that is too great a risk to bring to our non combatants."

" Well dear sister, you know I will help in any way that I can."

Shawnsa stood and walked to AJ. She placed her hands on AJ's shoulders, squeezing them gently. "I do hope you mean what you say because the thing I will ask of you is to accept the position in my honor"

"oh", "oh my". "We have much discussion ahead of us, dont we?"

" Yes", Shawnsa replies softly as she slides down to sit next to AJ.

The two quickly fall into animated discusions.................


AJ waited patiently as PAS assembled and greeted each other. A Hogpodge of hellos, hiya's, good natured ribbings, really bad puns. Normally she would participate, but she found herself on this occasion just watching. Smiling at the friendships obvious before her. Knowing the stories behind every joke or barb making her laugh.

She saw Kona and Harpoon Scars sparring off to the south. Those two always together, doing everything together. Why last hunt they were even dieing in sync with each other. The Balron would chomp one to death and then turn on the other.

Dara standing there arms folded, clearly giving no ground in the argument with Aristotle. Watching those two reminded her of how she and her sisters use to argue.

Noah and Duff standing there as she was watching the rest and smiling. Adding touches of their own wit at times.

Alessan and mie, like minded in many ways. Standing quietly discussing domestic issues. Together there was no non pvp event they could not organise.

Many others were there, more than she could remember seeing in some time. Finally she could absorb no more, she laughed out loud *no wonder KD always called us a bunch of Goobers*

"OK Listen up" AJ issued her traditional call to attention. Many lined up. But several needed a stronger reminder, so she issued the order again.

Aris got out a final " bet I can!" before Dara remembered she was an Elder and elbowed him in the ribs to get his attention.

Finally PAS was in good form and order and AJ felt confident she had their full attention. She shifted her thoughts to the task before her. The task to present PAS with her plans for the future.


That month is over now, and while I cannot answer for each and every PAS I can answer on what my meditations have imparted to me.

To me, totally abandoning Fel would be dishonoring those who have brought PAS to this day. No longer will we facilitate events that are little more than paying pk's to come and kill us, and then trash talk us later. The days of events such as Gold Caravan and King of the Hill are over.

We will continue to do a variety of activities across all facets of this shard. We will most deffinately internalize our efforts. Doing more Events designed to more properly arm us, train our skills, and make money availiable to those of us who are lacking in ability to gain for themselves. Umong those events will be resource/ Dungeon hunts in Fel as well as Champ Spawns.

Power Scrolls are only obtainable in Fel. They are a resource any character may pursue, and none should be forced to purchase that which they can gain on there own. Champ Spawns are pretty much the only remaining place where it is possible to find an innocent. And as long as there are innocents in Fel, there will be PAS in Fel.

We will increase our rate of Champ Spawns in an effort to gain scrolls for ourselves. Un needed scrolls will be availiable to trade with our allies for ones that are needed.

Because we are very likely to encounter resistance in Fel, No member of PAS will be forced to participate. Just make sure you are active on the facets you are comfy with.

there will be a slight increase in guild pvp activities. once again no PAS will be required to come, but if you will be joining us in Fel hunts they are highly reccomended.

Also be aware that the Guild Known as GTH is considered our full allies. PAS is encouraged to support GTH's efforts, and to aid and fortify them whenever they are seen.

Also be aware that any guild who repeatedly attempts to prevent us from our goals will be subject to placement on the Enemies of the People list.

Any Questions?

written by Almond Joy
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PAS WebMaster
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