Original Articles of Alliance for Sonoma Alliance

Talk about anything that's clean.

Original Articles of Alliance for Sonoma Alliance

Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:16 am

I thought this might be interesting history to read:

Article 1. The purpose of this Alliance is to foster cooperation among member guilds so that Alliance members may protect the citizens of this shard of Sonoma from evil, in whatever form that may take.

Article 2. Any guild of any size may join this alliance, but only guilds with ten or more active members will be granted an automatic seat on the Alliance Council. Guilds with less than ten members have the right to petition the Council for a permanent seat, which would be granted with a two thirds vote. Each guild signing these articles will designate one person to represent that guild on the Alliance Council. It will be assumed that any representative from an Alliance guild that is present has the authority to sit in the guild's Council seat and vote.

Article 3. Guilds that fail to abide by these articles will be subject to removal from this alliance on a two thirds vote of the Alliance Council. It is further understood that guild rules of individual Alliance members will be assumed to take precedence over Alliance rules in the event of a conflict (whenever possible). This is not meant to allow for obvious violations of any Alliance code of conduct, which again will be reviewed by the Council.

Article 4. Alliance Council meetings will be presided over by KingDavid of Sonoma, who will be responsible for the conducting of business and the communicating of the time, place and date of these meetings. KingDavid will have no voting rights, but will rather act as a facilitator for the Council. The Council reserves the right to authorize any official Alliance titles for KingDavid and any Council members as they deem necessary.

Article 5. Alliance members will cooperate in such form as is necessary to provide Alliance Safe Zones for Sonoma citizens. The time, place and duration of these safe zones will be decided by the Alliance Council.

Article 6. Alliance members recognize the fact that they are not expected to support other Alliance guilds in guild wars. Those types of alliance are outside of these articles.

Article 7. The Alliance Council shall set forth a code of conduct for all members of Alliance guilds. Violations by members or member guilds will be discussed and dealt with by the Alliance Council (guilds once again subject to removal with two thirds vote of
the Alliance Council).

Article 8. All binding votes made by the Alliance Council (including any additional Articles) must have two thirds approval of the Council (not simply those in attendance).

In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

King David of the People's Army of Sonoma
Hawke of the Knights of the Silver Serpent
DeathClaw of the Costra Loco Nostra Family
Blackstaff of the Azure Raven Company
Urfriend of the Underground Warlords
Warfrat of the Lords of the Morning Wood
Belle of the Knights of the Phoenix

We added more Articles later, like one addressing the fact that guild rules took precedence over SA rules, except for obvious contradictions like griefing other players, etc.

King of Sonoma
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Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:22 am

and I just found what I believe the revised Articles included:

This is the PROPOSED edited version.
This version has NOT been ratified or approved.
Article 1. The purpose of this Alliance is to foster cooperation among member guilds so that Alliance members may protect the citizens of this shard of Sonoma from evil, in whatever form that may take.

Article 2. Any guild of any size may apply to join this alliance, and admission shall be granted with two-thirds consent of the Grand Council according to Article 8. Guilds with ten or more active members will be granted an automatic seat on the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds with less than ten members have the right to petition the Grand Council for a permanent seat, which would be granted with a two thirds vote. Each guild signing these articles will designate one person to represent that guild on the Alliance Grand Council. It will be assumed that any representative from an Alliance guild that is present has the authority to sit in the guild's Council seat and vote.

Article 3. Guilds that fail to abide by these articles will be subject to removal from this alliance on a two thirds vote of the Alliance Grand Council according to Article 8. Guild rules of individual Alliance member guilds will take precedence over Alliance rules in the event of a conflict, if such situation arises. This is not meant to allow for obvious violations of any Alliance code of conduct, which shall be determined by the Grand Council.

Article 4. Alliance Grand Council meetings will be presided over by KingDavid of Sonoma, who will be responsible for the conducting of business and the communicating of the time, place and date of these meetings. KingDavid will have no voting rights, but will rather act as a facilitator for the Council. The Grand Council reserves the right to authorize any official Alliance titles for KingDavid and any Council members as they deem necessary.

Article 5. Alliance members will cooperate in such form as is necessary to provide Alliance Safe Zones for Sonoma citizens. The time, place and duration of these safe zones will be decided by the Alliance Grand Council.

Article 6. Alliance members recognize the fact that they are not expected to support other Alliance guilds in guild wars. Those types of alliance are outside of these articles.

Article 7. The Alliance Grand Council shall set forth a code of conduct for all members of Alliance guilds. Violations by members or member guilds will be discussed and dealt with by the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds who severely violate codes of conduct shall be subject to removal from the Alliance by two-thirds vote.

Article 8. All votes pertaining specifically to the amendment to these articles made by the Alliance Grand Council must have two thirds approval of the entire Grand Council including those representatives absent. All other binding votes made by the Alliance Grand Council must have two thirds approval of the representatives that are present. But no voting on binding decisions may take place unless half plus one of all Sonoma Alliance guild representative are physically present at the time of the vote. The votes of the guilds that choose to "abstain" are treated as if they were absent only for the calculation of the two-thirds approval and not the half-plus-one requirement. For example, if there are 15 Alliance guilds, no vote counts unless there are 9 members present. If the minimum attends, then out of those 9, 6 is needed to pass an action. However, if 3 of the 9 minimum present "abstains", then only 4 is needed to pass an action.

In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

[The names and guilds of those whom are present to ratify the edited version.]

Note how complicated it got on Article 8. *smiles*

King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
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Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:30 am

more fun reading:


For March 15, 2000

The Battle of Trinsic pictures are being processed at the moment, 3 pages of pictures are uploaded and ready for viewing at the Photo Album in the Library of Council. Enjoy.

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.


For March 13, 2000

The Sonoma Alliance Coat-of-Arms have been updated once again to reflect membership changes and new information in regards to new guild colors. Quorum for the Grand Council meeting of March 11, 2000 was not reached, so no decisions or official business was conducted.

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.


For March 6, 2000

Before the Grand Council meeting, the representatives present was given a surprise visit by one of Jou'nar's lapdogs threatening the Alliance to stay out of Trinsic. However, the council members were unimpressed and not the least intimidated at all by the threats of Jou'nar's lapdog, Lich Soulstealer.
During the Grand Council meeting of March 4, 2000. The Grand Council agreed to support the War Council in its efforts to liberate Trinsic. In an unanimous vote of the Alliance present, the Grand Council authorized the War Council to organize and take whatever steps necessary to liberate Trinsic. However, the representatives were in disagreement on whether the War Council should operate under the command of the Unified Sosarian Army [USA].

After an hour of diliberation, the Grand Council settled on a comprimise to allow the War Council decide whether itself should operate under the command of the USA in the Trinsic area.

After an agreement was reached, the Grand Council voted in the admittance of one additional guild, Saints and Sinners Society [S&S].

Event summary recorded by:

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Official Diplomat [Gaikoukan] and Representative of the Men of Scrubness guild.


For January 26, 2000

During the last two Grand Council meetings, we have added several guilds making the total number of gulids to a high of twenty. The following guilds were added to the Alliance in two Grand Council meetings of January:
Britannia United Merchants [BUM]
Decedent of the High Ones [DHO]
Guardians of Elsinore [GoE]
Militia of Sonoma [M*S]
Saints of Justice [SoJ]
Sonoma War Games [-S-]
Hunters of Glory [HOG]
A sister guild was added as part of the Decendent of the High Ones and will be treated as one guild with DHO, this guild is G0D Good Order Discipline.
As part of the Grand Council meeting, the Grand Council have voted to place BLD and BoL in to inactive status. They will not be counted in the quorum so long as they are inactive. These guilds will return to active status once they send a representative to attend a Grand Council meeting.

Event summary recorded by:

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Official Diplomat [Gaikoukan] and Representative of the Men of Scrubness guild.


For September 18, 1999

The Articles of Alliance page has been updated to accomodate the two versions, and any future revisions, of the Articles of Alliance. The Articles of Alliance has also been moved to the Grand Council directory as an archive. All links has been adjusted to reflect these new changes. Access to the Articles from the General Information pages are still available.

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.


For September 13, 1999

The meeting of the Grand Council of the Sonoma Alliance commenced at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Time on September 11, 1999. The guilds and their representatives present for the Grand Council meeting were:
DevilSpawn of the Knights of the Silver Serpent
Croniac of the Crusaders of Sonoma
Henkl von Geiger of the Bavarian Metal Workers
Elvish magi of the Men of Scrubness
Neyra of the Fishing Council of Britannia
Grunk Half Orc of the Blood Clan
King David of the People's Army of Sonoma
and Allanon of the Knights of Solamnia
When the Grand Council meet, the total number of guilds admitted in to the Alliance was 15. The 15 guilds of the Alliance at the time before the Grand Council meeting were:
People's Army of Sonoma
Bavarian Metal Workers
Guardians of Truth
Knights of the Silver Serpent
Crusaders of Sosaria
Knights of Solomnia
Blood Clan
Lords/Ladies of the Morning Wood
Men of Scrubness
Brotherhood of Light
Underground Warlords
Holy Cross Defenders
Knights of the Phoenix
Fishing Council of Britannia
The minimum of 8 guilds required were present for the meeting to become official. The two items on the agenda were:
Review of application for membership submitted by the Elite Sages Supreme
Status report and any other concerns from the War Council of the Sonoma Alliance.
It has been agreed to that the status report from the War Counil of the Sonoma Alliance will be posted on the message board by King David of the People's Army of Sonoma. The review of application for membership submitted by the Elite Sages Supreme has been voted on and the votes are as follows:
Allanon of KS: Nay
Neyra of FCB: Aye
Grunk Half Orc of BLD: Abstain
Croniac of CrS: Nay
Garot Tongarth of PAS: Abstain
DevilSpawn of KSS: Aye
Iosif Dzhugashvili of MoS: Aye
Henkl von Geiger of BMW: Abstain
The minimum of 8 guilds, which is half-plus-one, were present. Therefore, with the required number of guilds present, an official vote was taken for admission of ESS. Out of the 8 guilds, 3 guilds abstained, lowering the passing requirement to 4 guilds to pass. 3 guilds voted for admission and 2 guilds voted against admission. The vote for admission of the Elite Sages Supreme does not pass. The Grand Council, however, added that the application for the Elite Sages Supreme will be reviewed once again at a later date and that this vote is not a rejection of admission but a hold on admission.
DevilSpawn of the Knights of the Silver Serpent wishes to speak to the Grand Council. Unaware of such request, King David adjourned the meeting at 9:25 PM Central Daylight Time. The concerns of DevilSpawn were later addressed after the meeting and resolved. (Please see bounty announcement on the General Information News pages.)

Event summary recorded by:

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Official Diplomat [Gaikoukan] and Representative of the Men of Scrubness guild.


For August 17, 1999
The coat-of-arms archive has been updated to reflect the membership changes in the Alliance. If thou wish to check out the changes, use the library link below. LONG LIVE THE ALLIANCE!


Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.


For August 14, 1999
The meeting of the Grand Council of the Sonoma Alliance commenced at 8:00 PM Central Daylight Time on August 14, 1999. The guilds and their representatives present for the Grand Council meeting were:

Styx of the People's Army of Sonoma
Firefly of the Guardians of Truth
Hawke of the Knights of the Silver Serpent
Croniac of the Crusaders of Sosaria
Anthrax and Ariell of the Knights of Solomnia
Henkl von Geiger of the Bavarian Metal Workers
Iosif V. Dzhugashvili of the Men of Scrubness
and Quint of the Lords/Ladies of the Morning Wood
When the Grand Council meet, the total number of guilds admitted in to the Alliance was 15. The 15 guilds of the Alliance at the time before the Grand Council meeting were:
People's Army of Sonoma
Bavarian Metal Workers
Guardians of Truth
Knights of the Silver Serpent
Crusaders of Sosaria
Knights of Solomnia
Blood Clan
Lords/Ladies of the Morning Wood
Men of Scrubness
Brotherhood of Light
Underground Warlords
Holy Cross Defenders
Knights of the Phoenix
Lords of Sonoma
The minimum of 8 guilds required were present for the meeting to become official. Three items were on the agenda and was agreed that the meeting shall adjourn at 9:00 PM Central Daylight Time regardless of the amount of items were covered on the agenda. The three items on the agenda were:
Review of application for membership submitted by the Fishing Council of Britannia.
Status report and any other concerns from the War Council of the Sonoma Alliance.
Review and approval of made and additional changes to the Articles of Alliance.
Only the item of the application for membership by FCB was conducted on this Grand Council meeting. The votes for the approval of the application for membership by FCB were as follows:
Styx of PAS: Aye
Firefly of GoT: Aye
Hawke of KSS: Aye
Croniac of CrS: Aye
Anthrax of KoS: Aye
Henkl of BMW: Abstain
Iosif of MoS: Aye
Quint of LoMW: Abstain
The minimum of 8 guilds which is half-plus-one was present, therefore a vote can be called for the admission of FCB. Out of the 8 guilds, two guilds abstained making the two-thirds requirement lower to 4. 4 Guilds were required to pass admission. 6 guilds voted aye. The Application for membership by the Fishing Guild of Britannia was approved six to zero. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM Central Daylight Time.
Event summary recorded by:

Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Official Diplomat [Gaikoukan] and Representative of the Men of Scrubness guild.


For August 6, 1999
Several incorrect links in the Photo Album has been repaired.


The One year Anniversary of the Alliance photo page has been updated to include the roll that was called before the party started. Please feel free to see who was actually there!


Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.


For July 27, 1999
The Grand Council section is finally up!
The Grand Council section is up as you can see here. Most of the news will not be posted in this section even if it is Grand Council related unless it is extremely important. However, this section is to allow others to find out more about the Grand Council. Think of this as an archive of information about Grand Council activities, meetings, etc. This is not the place to look for news, but a place to look for anything important that has occurred in the past.

Therefore, in short, this is the Library of the Grand Council of the Sonoma Alliance. ("Library of Council" or "Council Records House" for short.)

Where to go for news regarding the Grand Council.

The place to go for any important updates regarding the Grand Council like meeting dates, agendas, etc. will continue to be posted in the General Information section. The reason is the traffic already existing through there and it ensures that everyone sees it. I greatly appreciate all your support in the creation of these pages. Thank you.

Now seeking for Assistant Web masters!

With the addition of the Grand Council page, I am seeking an assistant to manage the Grand Council pages. I have a very good feeling that the addition of this page will increase my load ten fold. Therefore, I am actively searching for an volunteer assistant who will manage these updates of news and archives from time to time. Credit will be given in the "Contact Us" page of the General Information page and in the Grand Council pages. Please ICQ or E-Mail Iosif for inquiries or to apply. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Iosif V. Dzhugashvili
Webmaster of the Sonoma Alliance pages.
King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
Posts: 5805
Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:28 pm
Location: Round Rock, Texas


Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:32 am

even more fun:

Version 2.5 of the Articles of Alliance
Ratified May 8, 1999
Valid as of August 14, 1999
Please note: items that are underlined indicates a modification from previous version.


Article 1. The purpose of this Alliance is to foster cooperation among member guilds so that Alliance members may protect the citizens of this shard of Sonoma from evil, in whatever form that may take.
Article 2. Any guild of any size may apply to join this alliance, and admission shall be granted with two-thirds consent of the Grand Council according to Article 8. Guilds with ten or more active members will be granted an automatic seat on the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds with less than ten members have the right to petition the Grand Council for a permanent seat, which would be granted with a two thirds vote. Each guild signing these articles will designate one person to represent that guild on the Alliance Grand Council. It will be assumed that any representative from an Alliance guild that is present has the authority to sit in the guild's Council seat and vote.

Article 3. Guilds that fail to abide by these articles will be subject to removal from this alliance on a two thirds vote of the Alliance Grand Council according to Article 8. Guild rules of individual Alliance member guilds will take precedence over Alliance rules in the event of a conflict, if such situation arises. This is not meant to allow for obvious violations of any Alliance code of conduct, which shall be determined by the Grand Council.

Article 4. Alliance Grand Council meetings will be presided over by KingDavid of Sonoma, who will be responsible for the conducting of business and the communicating of the time, place and date of these meetings. KingDavid will have no voting rights, but will rather act as a facilitator for the Council. The Grand Council reserves the right to authorize any official Alliance titles for KingDavid and any Council members as they deem necessary.

Article 5. Alliance members will cooperate in such form as is necessary to provide Alliance Safe Zones for Sonoma citizens. The time, place and duration of these safe zones will be decided by the Alliance Grand Council.

Article 5a. The War Council shall be established to manage any military affairs of the Alliance delegated to the War Council from the Grand Council. The Grand Council may also delegate the coordination and organization of Safe Zones and the military command structure as necessary to the War Council.
Article 5b. The Grand Council shall remain supreme over all decisions, actions, and regulations of the War Council. The War Council may establish its own rules as necessary for its function, but shall not conflict with the rules of the Grand Council or the rules in these Articles.

Article 6. Alliance members recognize the fact that they are not expected to support other Alliance guilds in guild wars. Those types of alliance are outside of these articles.
Article 7. The Alliance Grand Council shall set forth a code of conduct for all members of Alliance guilds. Violations by members or member guilds will be discussed and dealt with by the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds who severely violate codes of conduct shall be subject to removal from the Alliance by two-thirds vote.

Article 8. All votes pertaining specifically to the amendment to these articles made by the Alliance Grand Council must have two thirds approval of the entire Grand Council including those representatives absent. All other binding votes made by the Alliance Grand Council must have two thirds approval of the representatives that are present. But no voting on binding decisions may take place unless half plus one of all Sonoma Alliance guild representative are physically present at the time of the vote. The votes of the guilds that choose to "abstain" are treated as if they were absent only for the calculation of the two-thirds approval and not the half-plus-one requirement. For example, if there are 15 Alliance guilds, no vote counts unless there are 9 members present. If the minimum attends, then out of those 9, 6 is needed to pass an action. However, if 3 of the 9 minimum present "abstains", then only 4 is needed to pass an action.

In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Henkl Von Geiger [Bavarian Metal Workers]
Grunk half Orc [Blood Clan]
[Brotherhood of Light]
[Crusaders of Sosaria]
[Guardians of Truth]
Daedin MacAoidh a'Mhonadh [Holy Cross Defenders]
Methos [Knights of the Phoenix]
Hawke [Knights of the Silver Serpent]
[Knights of Solamnia]
WarfRat [Lords/Ladies of the Morning Wood]
Lord Tanis [Lords of Sonoma]
Iosif V. Dzhugashvili [Men of Scrubness]
King David [Peoples Army of Sonoma]
[Underground Warlords]
King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
Posts: 5805
Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:28 pm
Location: Round Rock, Texas


Postby KDSonoma » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:33 am

Version 2.5 of the Articles of Alliance
Ratified June 18, 2000
Valid as of July 8, 2000
Please note: items that are underlined indicates a modification from previous version.


Article 1. The purpose of this Alliance is to foster cooperation among member guilds so that Alliance members may protect the citizens of this shard of Sonoma from evil, in whatever form that may take.
Article 2. Any guild of any size may apply to join this alliance, and admission shall be granted with two-thirds consent of the Grand Council according to Article 8. Guilds with ten or more active members will be granted an automatic seat on the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds with less than ten members have the right to petition the Grand Council for a permanent seat, which would be granted with a two thirds vote. Each guild signing these articles will designate one person to represent that guild on the Alliance Grand Council. It will be assumed that any representative from an Alliance guild that is present has the authority to sit in the guild's Council seat and vote.

Article 3. Guilds that fail to abide by these articles will be subject to removal from this alliance on a two thirds vote of the Alliance Grand Council according to Article 8. Guild rules of individual Alliance member guilds will take precedence over Alliance rules in the event of a conflict, if such situation arises. This is not meant to allow for obvious violations of any Alliance code of conduct, which shall be determined by the Grand Council.

Article 4. Alliance Grand Council meetings will be presided over by KingDavid of Sonoma, who will be responsible for the conducting of business and the communicating of the time, place and date of these meetings. KingDavid will have no voting rights, but will rather act as a facilitator for the Council. The Grand Council reserves the right to authorize any official Alliance titles for KingDavid and any Council members as they deem necessary.

Article 5. Alliance members will cooperate in such form as is necessary to provide Alliance Safe Zones for Sonoma citizens. The time, place and duration of these safe zones will be decided by the Alliance Grand Council.

Article 5a. The War Council shall be established to manage any military affairs of the Alliance delegated to the War Council from the Grand Council. The Grand Council may also delegate the coordination and organization of Safe Zones and the military command structure as necessary to the War Council.
Article 5b. The Grand Council shall remain supreme over all decisions, actions, and regulations of the War Council. The War Council may establish its own rules as necessary for its function, but shall not conflict with the rules of the Grand Council or the rules in these Articles.

Article 6. Alliance members recognize the fact that they are not expected to support other Alliance guilds in guild wars. Those types of alliance are outside of these articles.
Article 7. The Alliance Grand Council shall set forth a code of conduct for all members of Alliance guilds. Violations by members or member guilds will be discussed and dealt with by the Alliance Grand Council. Guilds who severely violate codes of conduct shall be subject to removal from the Alliance by two-thirds vote.

Article 8.

Article 9. All decisions shall be categorized in to three different categories and voting to approve such decision shall be based upon the following conditions of the appropriate category. All amendment decisions shall prevail over any resolution and policy decisions in case of conflict. All resolution decisions shall prevail over any policy decisions in case of conflict.

Article 9a. All decisions to specifically amend these articles and any decisions to place a guild in to inactive status shall be considered in this "Amendments" category and shall require two-thirds approval of all representatives of all active member guilds, including those representatives absent. A quorum of half-plus-one of all active member guilds shall be necessary in order for the vote to take place. The votes of the guilds that choose to "abstain" are treated as if they were absent only for the calculation of the two-thirds approval and not the half-plus-one quorum requirement.
Article 9b. All other binding decisions votes, including the admissions and expulsions of guilds, shall be considered as a "resolution" and shall require two-thirds approval of the representatives that are present. However, no voting on binding decisions may take place unless half-plus-one of all "quorum eligible" Sonoma Alliance guild representatives, or half-plus-one of all active Sonoma Alliance guild representatives, are physically present at the time of the vote. The votes of the guilds that choose to "abstain" are treated as if they were absent only for the calculation of the two-thirds approval and not the half-plus-one requirement.

Article 9c. All policy decisions votes shall require majority approval of the representatives that are present at an official Grand Council meeting called by King David. No quorum requirements are necessary and the decision stands until it is otherwise defeated, or fail to pass, when proposed as a "resolution". All decisions made under this policy provision shall not be used to compel, forced, or punish a guild to follow such policy, and are not binding. The votes of the guilds that choose to "abstain" are treated as if they were absent.

If you don't understand any part of Article 9, please refer to the Articles FAQ.
Article 10. The Sonoma Alliance Grand Council shall meet on the first Saturday of every month unless a United States national holiday prevents it or technical problems arises preventing members from logging in or otherwise designated by the Grand Council at a previous meeting or otherwise designated by the presiding officer of the Grand Council.

In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Cutter [Armoured Saints of Sonoma]
[Bavarian Metal Workers]
[Blood Clan]
[Britannia United Merchants]
[Brotherhood of Light]
[Clan Locke]
[Crusaders of Sosaria]
Winno [Decendent of the High Ones & Good Order Discipline]
[Fishing Council of Britannia]
[Guardians of Elsinore]
Rand [Hunters of Glory]
Lady Gogo [Knights of the Balaklava]
[Knights of the Silver Serpent]
[Knights of Solamnia]
[Lords/Ladies of the Morning Wood]
Iosif V. Dzhugashvili [Men of Scrubness]
Ash Lambert [Militia of Sonoma]
Del Xavier [Order of Tendai]
King David & Uttar C [Peoples Army of Sonoma]
Skye [Sinners and Saints Society]
[Saints of Justice]
[Sonoma War Games]
Lord Orax [Whisper]
King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
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Joined: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:28 pm
Location: Round Rock, Texas

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